
Mobile Safety App

Digital Safety Solutions

Telesafety App

Safety Experts are just a tap away. Improve job safety, reduce accidents and avoid OSHA Fines. Telesafety powered by Safety Badger provides real-time access to qualified safety experts.

Telesafety is powered by highly credentialed safety experts who have worked across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Sri Lanka. Recently, our expertise helped a client reach one million man-hours without a lost time accident. Our qualified team of safety experts includes CSP's, Engineers, Industrial Hygienists, and Certified OSHA Outreach Trainers among many more!

In just minutes after downloading, Telesafety puts a real-time safety expert in your pocket for anytime and anywhere. Telesafety will help improve on-site safety and reduce accidents and OSHA fines.


Work Safe. Work Smart. Work with OSEA. Start Now