Truth of Workplace Violence
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Natalie Salem
According to OSHA, nearly 2 million Americans are the victims of workplace violence each year, and homicide is the fourth‑leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the US. While not every act of workplace violence leads to a shooting and murder, every act of harassment, intimidation or threat of violence takes a toll on an organization.
Safety and HR managers can no longer say “it won’t happen here” when it comes to violence in the workplace. Prevention comes through preparation, and the only way to mitigate acts of workplace violence is by creating a prevention program to train employees and supervisors on what to do when a violent situation of any scale erupts at work.
OSEA offers Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment courses with their affiliate company, Cavalry Security Services, now offering Active Shooter training classes. Contact us today to schedule training.